In its endeavour to break new grounds in education in India, IoE has designed the Global Programme in Entrepreneurship. The programme participants will undergo a unique 150 credit programme spread over 1,575 contact hours in the space of 32 months, making it the most academically rigorous and intellectually superior Entrepreneurship programme conceptualized. In addition to the above, students will be undertaking a summer internship and two International Exposure programs - Global Opportunities and Threat Analysis Program (GOTA) - in Switzerland and China.
At IoE, we realize that doing business in tomorrow’s world is not possible by having exposure to only the highly developed western world. To do business tomorrow, we need to have exposure to the country that along with India will rule the future – China.
Inclusive of the above, students undertaking this programme will be spending 7 days in Switzerland and 5 days in China. THE ENTIRE COST MINUS VISA & PASSPORT IS A PART OF THE PROGRAMME FEES.
* A student who fails to get passport or visa will be eligible for no refunds as this program is ex gratia.